Fazenda do Lobo

Owned by the Foresti family, Fazenda do Lobo is named after the very common sightings of wolfs among the farm’s 1,000m+ altitude hills. Established in 1996 by Andrea, a 4th generation coffee producer, and her husband, Marcos, an agronomist, the couple raised their 3 boys at the farm. Now, their adult son Guilherme has concluded his studies and helps manage the family farm.

Located in Tres Corações, city of famous Pele, and neighboring the mystic city of Sao Thomé das Letras, Lobo has planted Yellow Bourbons, Catucais, and Arara cultivars.

Producing specialty coffee has been the family’s main focus for the past 12 years when they began participating in quality competitions having taken a fair share of podiums and some first-place trophies. When they’re not producing their award-winning micro lots, Lobo is able to produce on average 350 bags per year (export grade), of 83/85 SCA.

Recently, Fazenda do Lobo has implemented a polyculture system with Coffee & Soy production. Planting coffee along with soybeans not only helps to improve soil health and boost coffee production but also provides farmers with an additional source of income through the sale of soybeans. It’s a win-win situation for farmers and the environment.

Always thinking about sustainability, the Foresti Family has created a remarkable ecosystem of banana and cedar trees that provides a perfect habitat for the coffee beans on their Agroforestry project. Specifically, the 3-year-old Arara cultivar is grown in this environment, which has led to the first little harvest of agroforestry this year.

The Foresti family’s dedication to sustainable farming practices is truly inspiring, and their commitment to producing high-quality coffee is evident in their many awards and prizes.

Guilherme has played an immense role in the farm’s micro-lot projects, also experimenting with some fermentations and raised bed processing.

Stop by during harvest season and you’ll likely find Andrea rolling coffees on the patio, Marcos bringing in freshly picked cherries, and Guilherme at the farm’s cupping lab. Be sure you can stay for almoço because Andrea will welcome you with the most Minas Gerais hospitality.


More Information about Fazenda do Lobo:
Producer(s): Família Foresti
Location: Três Corações/MG
Altitude: 1000m+
Area of the farm: 309 ha
Coffee growing area: 100 ha
Varieties: Arara, Topázio, Mundo Novo, Acauã, Catuaí Vermelho, Catucaí amarelo, Bourbon, Acaiá
Certifications: UTZ, Rainforest Alliance, and Certifica Minas.