The story of Fazenda Campestre begins in 1958, with the marriage of Mr. Mario and Mrs. Vita, and a 10-hec tare plot of land. The grandfather, a visionary and hardworking man, started producing on average 20 bags of coffee per year, and 20 liters a day of milk. Today, the farm has an area of 140 hectares of coffee production, with an average of 4,500 bags per year, along with a very solid milk production that is very well known in the local markets, putting out 3,500 liters of milk a day. Coffee harvesting is done 100% mechanically and all coffees are sold through the cooperative. Being awarded in previous quality competitions, the farm has been an early favorite in the exporting markets, especially to Japan. With such close proximity to Minasul’s headquarters and the warm hospitality of Mauri José and his family, Fazenda Campestre is always a stop on any origin trip itinerary. With great pride, Mauri points out the several water springs surrounding the property, all through heavily protected reforested areas, showing their ways to produce great coffees with sustainable practices.
Next Generation
Having grown up in the coffee fields of Fazenda Campestre, sisters Noemia and Naira, daughters of Mauri, have been taking over the day-to-day operations of the farm. Naiara is the commercial manager and Noemia is an agronomist who handles the technical aspects of production.
More Information about Fazenda Campestre
Producer(s): Mauri José, Naiara and Noemia
Properties: Fazenda Campestre
Location: Varginha/MG
Farm area: 380 ha
Coffee growing area: 140 ha